Disko ja tuumasodaDisco & Atomkrieg / Disco & Atomic War

Competition Documentaries, Estonia 2009, 78 Min., English subtitles

Disko ja tuumasoda

Abba killed communism! When Finnish TV began broadcasting "Dallas" in 1982, the US series could also be received 80km to the South, in Tallinn. It was the end of class consciousness in the smalltown of Kiur Aarma. And elsewhere! Since TV broadcasts by the class enemy could first be received in 1971, every rooftop antenna was directed towards the North. It was the cause for an ideological battle about the "correct" way of thinking right up until the fall of the Soviet Union: propaganda met counter-propaganda. The author Kiur Aarma and director Jaak Kilmi have combined personal memories of the cult series of the times, old TV excerpts and lovingly staged scens to create an amusing and gripping media thriller about the Cold War era. Pop versus pravda!

Director Jaak Kilmi

Screenplay Kiur Aarma, Jaak Kilmi

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