As Esi TuYou Am I

Competition Narrative Films, Lithuania 2006, 90 Min., English subtitles

As Esi Tu

Dissatisfied with his boring everyday routine, a frustrated architect becomes a drop-out. Like Henry David Thoreau in the nineteenth century, he heads for the woods – though he has rather more creature comforts than the author of Walden. After leaving his job and saying goodbye to his lover, he builds a fabulous, futuristic tree house in the forest, spanning three trees, that sways in the wind. But the solitude he sought soon turns to loneliness. What is the point of building a nest if you have nobody to share it with? Not only does this modern-day Robinson Crusoe conjure up an imaginary Friday, he even finds himself drawn to a nearby holiday home by the sounds of partying. There, he meets young Dominyka and finds in her a kindred spirit … In this woodland fairytale that is both highly topical and deeply romantic, Lithuanian director Kristijonas Vildziunas tells how difficult it is to live the dream of a simple life. In the end, needless to say, our drop-out finds his princess.

Director Kristijonas Vildziunas

Screenplay Kristijonas Vildziunas

Cast Andrius Bialobzeskis (Baronas), Jurga Jutaite (Dominyka), Mykolas Vildziunas, Renata Veberyte Loman, Daiva Jovaisiene, Silvia Ferreiri

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