Special exhibition "Good Fabric. Textile worlds from the Hanseatic period to the present day".

Guided tour with Leena Kilpeläin (Maija Isola)


Picture from the documentary film "Maija Isola - Master of Colour and Form".


The special exhibition "Guter Stoff" at the Hansemuseum Museum Lübeck illuminates the fascinating history of the production, trade and consumption of cloth, as well as the importance of clothing for medieval society. It looks back to the Hanseatic period, when fabrics were traded throughout northern Europe. Textiles were high-quality products that brought prosperity to entire regions. The exhibition shows how fabrics shaped society at that time. But it also looks at the present and future of the textile industry.

Carsten Siebenbürgen from the EHM will guide visitors through the exhibition. Leena Kilpeläinen, director of the film "Maija Isola - Master of Colour and Form" in which she talks about the Finnish designer who helped the Finnish brand Marimekko to world fame, will take part in the tour.


Europäisches Hansemuseum Lübeck, An der Untertrave 1, Lübeck
Guided tour with Leena Kilpeläinen on 05.11., 3pm.
Limited tickets at the box office of the CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle