63rd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck releases its entire programme

Press Release, 13.10.2021

At today’s press conference of the 63rd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck at the Park Inn hotel, the festival directors, Susanne Kasimir (managing director) and Thomas Hailer (artistic director), joined Lübeck’s senator for culture and education, Monika Frank, to announce the complete programme of the hybrid festival, which is now available online. Between November 3 and 7, 2021, a total of 133 films will be shown in 270 screenings at Lübeck venues. In addition, more than 109 films (as of Oct. 12, 2010) will be available to stream within Germany. The 63rd NFL will award 10 jury and audience prizes worth a total of 58,000 euros.

 Thomas Hailer, artistic director of the NFL said, “After a long period of stagnation, there was an astonishing array of productions available for our festival, in particular in terms of quality. In an impressive variety of shapes and forms, the filmmakers have tackled subjects that currently preoccupy all of us – migration, gender issues, class differences, alternative life utopias. The Nordische Filmtage are returning to cinemas with a powerful and diverse line-up in every festival section”.

 The Schleswig-Holstein state corona abatement regulations governing distancing and indoor gatherings will be in place at all festival cinemas and other venues. By observing the 3G rule (recovered, vaccinated, or tested), the cinemas will be allowed to sell all seats without prior seat selection. Among the festival venues this year are the cinemas CineStar Lübeck   Filmpalast Stadthalle, Filmhaus Lübeck, Kommunales Kino Lübeck, Kolosseum Lübeck, and the special event venue St. Jakobi church.

Susanne Kasimir, managing director of the NFL, remarked,  “We are pleased that it is once again possible to gather in the cinemas, and we continue to depend on our guests’ sense of responsibility and consideration for others. Small changes in festival procedures should help to cut down on queues and ensure as smooth an operation as possible”.

The film programme comprises ten festival sections, showing both long and short films, as well as a selection of TV series from northern and northeastern Europe. The Narrative Film Competition and the Documentary Film Competition will each show 14 films.  The Nordic Shorts section will present 21 new short films, while the Filmforum showcases 32 productions from Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. For audiences starting as young as four years, the Children’s and Youth Film section has 21 movies on offer, both as part of the regular screenings and in additional showings for class trips. And the Series section will give a peek at seven new productions for the small screen.

As announced, this year’s Retrospective, entitled “Sing a Song!”, brings back to the big screen a range of Nordic and Baltic musicals and pop music. And the Homage honours the Danish actor Trine Dyrholm with a review of five of her most important films.

In addition to the film programme, the NFL hosts a range of side-bar events such as panel discussions, talks, and readings. As always, Lübeck Meetings will provide a forum for participants from the domestic and international film industries.

Advance ticket sales begin on October 30 at 3:00 pm at the CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle Lübeck cinema, online at the festival website, and at www.cinestar.de.

Press material

Films stills for all the festival films are now available here. Detailed information on the festival programme is available at https://www.nordische-filmtage.de/en/. Up-to-date news is also available on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram/nordicfilmdays. The screening schedule and additional details on the films and the side-bar programme will be available soon on the festival homepage.

Press Contact

City of Lübeck
Nordische Filmtage Lübeck
Press and Publicity Department

Dagny Kleber