press releases



  • 62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck prize winners – for the first time since 1990, the NDR Film Prize goes to a film from Latvia – Audience Prize once again goes to Finland

    62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck prize winners – for the first time since 1990, the NDR Film Prize goes to a film from Latvia – Audience Prize once again goes to Finland

    Lübeck, Nov. 7, 2020. At the award ceremony for this year’s online edition of the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, held at Theater Lübeck, ten prizes were handed out for the first time, with a total endowment of 57,500 euros. The ceremony was recorded in advance without a live audience. The actor Stephan Szász moderated the evening, with the winners appearing via video links. A show band provided musical accompaniment. The NDR Film Prize, worth 12,500 euros, provided a premiere and a special surprise. For the first time ever, it went to a film from Latvia. Appearing by video link, director Dace Pūce expressed her pleasure that her feature debut “The Pit” (“Bedre”) won. More

  • Strong partners and a wealth of high spots and specials mark the online edition of the 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    Strong partners and a wealth of high spots and specials mark the online edition of the 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    Lübeck, Nov. 6, 2020. The 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck have begun. This year, 146 of the festival’s originally planned 160 films were made available for online streaming from anywhere in Germany. The Nordic Film Days Lübeck are presented by the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. The festival shows current films from the Nordic and Baltic countries and northern Germany. More

  • Opening night – Digital German premiere of “The Good Traitor” kicks off the virtual festival

    Opening night – Digital German premiere of “The Good Traitor” kicks off the virtual festival

    Lübeck, Nov. 5, 2020. The 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck opened its online festival yesterday. It was the first time that festival films were made available for online streaming across Germany. A total of 146 of the original 160 films from the Nordic and Baltic states and northern Germany selected for the festival can now be streamed at More

  • NEW: Advance ticket sale via streaming platform Culturebase starts on 2.11.20, 13.00h

    NEW: Advance ticket sale via streaming platform Culturebase starts on 2.11.20, 13.00h

    ATTENTION: Our streaming platform can already be viewed today from 1 pm and you can create an account. Unfortunately, access to the purchase function of the respective film streams will only be possible on 2 November 2020 at 1 pm due to a short-term technical problem. More

  • The Documentary section is a varied programme, retrace paths of happiness or loss, and document creativity and culinary traditions.

    The Documentary section is a varied programme, retrace paths of happiness or loss, and document creativity and culinary traditions.

    Lübeck, Oct. 31, 2020. The documentary film programme of the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck, which will be available in Germany for streaming from Nov. 4-8, 2020, provides enthralling glimpses into the various realities of interesting and fascinating personalities, and includes 16 German premieres, one European premiere, and seven international premieres. “The nice thing about the documentary film line-up is that it shows us that there are other problems in the world besides the corona virus – and that people don’t shy away from tackling them. The films document the labyrinthine paths to happiness, and the surprising awareness that can result from following them. And it underscores the important role that different kinds of artists play in society”, says Artistic Director Linde Fröhlich. More

  • 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck will be a strictly online festival – more than 140 films from northern Europe, the Baltic Rim, and northern Germany will be available for streaming anywhere in Germany

    62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck will be a strictly online festival – more than 140 films from northern Europe, the Baltic Rim, and northern Germany will be available for streaming anywhere in Germany

    Lübeck, Oct. 28, 2020. Due to the ongoing upward trend in new covid 19 infections in Lübeck, the 62nd NFL will not be a hybrid festival as originally planned. The concept had long been to mount the festival live in cinemas and other venues, while also providing a streaming option for some films and events. The city-state imposed stricter guidelines on Monday Oct. 26 after the number of covid cases in Lübeck rose to 102 over the weekend. More

  • A multi-facetted Children and Youth Films programme – youth cultures, family spirit, and tender animation films

    A multi-facetted Children and Youth Films programme – youth cultures, family spirit, and tender animation films

    Lübeck, Oct. 26, 2020. The line-up for the Children and Youth Films section of the 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck (Nov. 4-8, 2020) is a coat of many colours.

    “This year’s Children and Youth films cover a broad range of subject matter. Whether it’s sport, music, faith and spirituality, or life as part of a clique, the various facets of young people’s culture are all represented in this section”, says Franziska Kremser-Klinkertz, the section curator. More

  • The Filmforum – strong young talents, political subject matter and exciting directorial debuts

    The Filmforum – strong young talents, political subject matter and exciting directorial debuts

    Lübeck, Oct. 22, 2020. The Filmforum section of the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 4 – 8, 2020) will present 39 films from northern Germany. “This year’s programme is a winning line-up of feature debuts, an unusual range of subject matter, and strong young talent”, says Lili Hartwig, the section curator, “Each of the films finds its own cinematic languages and has an individual signature”. More

  • The festival programme – new perspectives and evocative subject matter meet young talent and well-known directors

    The festival programme – new perspectives and evocative subject matter meet young talent and well-known directors

    Lübeck, Oct. 20, 2020. On the dais alongside Lübeck Mayor Jan Lindenau and the curators of the festival sections, the festival directors Linde Fröhlich (Artistic Director) and Susanne Kasimir (Festival Manager) presented the entire programme for the hybrid 62nd NFL at today’s press conference in the Radisson Blu Senator Hotel Lübeck. More

  • The short film programme at the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck – disconcerting reality – critical short films by young and experienced filmmakers about the balance of power, patriarchy, and marginalisation

    The short film programme at the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck – disconcerting reality – critical short films by young and experienced filmmakers about the balance of power, patriarchy, and marginalisation

    Lübeck, Oct. 19, 2020. The Nordic Shorts section of the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck will present 24 short films from northern and northeast Europe, divided into four programmes – “Men’s Night Out”, “Europe, A Brief Exposé”, “Inventory of the Human Condition”, and “Alienation”, including 15 films that will celebrate their German premiere in Lübeck and two European premieres. More

  • This years festival presents TV series showcasing complex family relationships, gripping political drama, and enthralling entertainment

    This years festival presents TV series showcasing complex family relationships, gripping political drama, and enthralling entertainment

    Lübeck, Oct. 05, 2020. The Danish series “Cry Wolf” (DK, 2019), created by Maja Jul and Pernille Fischer Christensen will see its German premiere at the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 4-8, 2020). The episodic drama begins with a school essay in which 14-year-old Holly describes her stepfather’s violent abuse, triggering a bruising family crisis. Dedicated social worker Lars, played by Bjarne Henriksen (“The Hunt”, “Trapped”), believes Holly is telling the truth and puts her and her seven-year-old brother Theo into foster care. But over time, Lars’ self-assurance begins to waver. More

  •  “The Good Traitor” to open the 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    “The Good Traitor” to open the 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    Lübeck, Oct. 2, 2020. The 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck (Nov. 4-8, 2020) is proud to open this year’s festival with the German premiere of “The Good Traitor” (“Vores mand i Amerika”), directed by Christina Rosendahl, on November 4, 2020 at 7pm. Inspired by true events, the film is the story of Henrik Kauffmann, who was the Danish ambassador to the USA at the start of World War II, and who fought for the freedom and independence of Denmark after the Nazis occupied the country. A political rebel and man of the world, Kauffmann is masterfully embodied in the film by Ulrich Thomsen (“The Celebration”, “The World is not Enough”, “The International”). Boasting exquisite camerawork, “The Good Traitor” also looks at Kauffmann’s personal life before his tragic death in 1963. More

  • Nordische Filmtage Lübeck: Recruitment committee presents Thomas Hailer as new artistic director - management team is now complete

    Nordische Filmtage Lübeck: Recruitment committee presents Thomas Hailer as new artistic director - management team is now complete

    Lübeck, Oct. 2, 2020. Following the upcoming retirement of artistic director, Linde Fröhlich, by the end of the year a new director of the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck has been searched from the end of June and an intensive recruitment process with two calls for applications was conducted. The procedure was carried out by a recruitment committee of Mayor Jan Lindenau, Senator for Culture Kathrin Weiher and the Chairman of the Kulturausschuss, Detlev Stolzenberg, and, in an advisory vote, Christine Berg, the Chairman of the Board of the German Film Theater Association. The recruitment committee voted for Thomas Hailer as the new artistic director of the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck. More

  • Film selection for the Retrospective at the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck is complete – “Fishermen’s Films – Fishing in Nordic and Baltic Cinema 1912-2019”

    Film selection for the Retrospective at the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck is complete – “Fishermen’s Films – Fishing in Nordic and Baltic Cinema 1912-2019”

    Sept 21, 2020. The 62nd Nordische Filmtage Lübeck (Nov. 4 – 08, 2020) will dedicate this year’s Retrospective to “Fishermen’s Films – Fishing in Nordic and Baltic Cinema”. Curator Jörg Schöning focussed this year’s selection on narrative and documentary films made between 1912 and 2019 that shine a spotlight on a profession that is part idyll, part commercial venture. More

  • 62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck – hybrid festival in 2020, new Youth Jury Prize, Retrospective “Fishermen’s Films”

    62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck – hybrid festival in 2020, new Youth Jury Prize, Retrospective “Fishermen’s Films”

    Lübeck, Aug. 25, 2020. At today’s summer press announcement for the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck in the city’s Radisson Blu Senator Hotel, the NFL provided initial information about what this year’s festival will look like in these unusual times. Kathrin Weiher, Lübeck’s culture Senator, Linde Fröhlich (artistic director), Susanne Kasimir (festival manager), and the curator of the Retrospective, Jörg Schöning, took a look at what’s new this year and the upcoming festival line-up. The 62nd festival, from November 4 – 8, 2020, will be a hybrid of live and online. More

  • Call For Entries / Film submissions: 62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    Call For Entries / Film submissions: 62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

    Film submissions for the up-coming 62. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck (04. - 08.11.2020) are possible from now till August 1st, 2020.

    All Nordic and Baltic films (for sections: narrative films, documentary films, children- and youth films, drama series and short films) as well as films for our Filmforum – the platform for North German films related to the regions of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg – can be submitted online. The deadline for entries is August 1st, 2020. More

  • 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck comes out on top with its first online festival

    62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck comes out on top with its first online festival

    Lübeck, Nov. 13, 2020. Due to covid pandemic restrictions, this year’s Nordic Film Days Lübeck, originally planned as a hybrid festival, was unable to mount live screenings and events, instead welcoming festival “visitors” to its online portal. After extending the streaming of festival films for three additional days, the online edition of the festival ended on Wednesday. The enormous popularity and high demand led the festival management and its partners to extend the availability of the 62nd Nordic Film Days Lübeck’s streamed films until 11:59 pm on November 11. For the first time in the festival’s history, it was possible to watch the films online from anywhere in Germany.
    After a total of eight festival days, NFL manager Susanne Kasimir and artistic director Linde Fröhlich expressed their satisfaction with the results. More