
Lübeck, 29.11.19 - The Nordic Film Days Lübeck mourn the death of the lawyer and author Dr. Hauke Lange-Fuchs, born in 1934. He was  one of the festival’s organisers for many years from 1971 to 2008. From 1971 he was responsible for the artistic direction of the Filmtage together with Bernd Plagemann and Hans-Gerd Kästner and was also in charge for short and documentary films. Later he took over the retrospective and from 1979 he was heading the children's and youth film programme until 2008. Hauke Lange-Fuchs has also published numerous books and essays on Scandinavian film. The Scandinavian film expert and tireless supporter of Scandinavian children's and youth films was awarded the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit in 2009, making him a Knight of the 1st Class. He spoke fluent Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and English and was also a very popular presenter at the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck.