Scandi Noir, Slapstick, Comedy and Horror – TV series Programm

Lübeck, Oct. 6, 2017. The new TV series section of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck, introduced to the programme last year, will once again showcase a diverse mixture of exciting and current episodes from the Nordic countries and Germany. A total of nine new series, running the gamut from Scandi noir to slapstick, and from comedy to horror, represent the scope and international appeal of the episodic genre.  The TV series section of the 59th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 1 – 5, 2017) is distinguished above all by outstanding characters that skilfully link the 2017 series subgenres with each other.

It’s not crime that grabs the viewer’s attention in this year’s Nordic noir, but rather people who show their true colours in a crisis, and tell their stories.  Norway is front and centre like never before, with two dark detective series that use violent crime only as a device to send the investigators in “Grenseland” (dir: Gunnar Vikene) or “Monster” (dir: Anne Sewitsky, Pål Jackman) into an ethical tailspin.

Detective Hanna in the Swedish series “Before We Die” (Innan vi dör, dir: Simon Kaijser) also lives through a personal and professional drama when organised crime and private family concerns collide. "Norsemen" (dir: Jon Iver Helgaker, Jonas Torgersen), on the other hand, takes a different route - in a silly fest that might have been pitched as Monty Python meets Game of Thrones, it takes a somewhat light-hearted look at the life and failings of a Viking tribe in the year 790.

Meanwhile in present-day Copenhagen, after a split-up, Mads lives the hectic life of the newly single in director Mads Rosenkrantz Grage’s “Yes No Maybe", when he tries to get more sex, more love, and more of everything really, not to mention instantaneously. Sexiness and allure are also character traits of the series and the character “Stella Blomkvist” from Iceland, as she steps onstage as a lawyer and then takes on the role of investigator. At the helm was director Óskar Thór Axelsson, who is also represented in the Film Days Specials section with the feature “I Remember You”.

Swede Roland “Hassel”, played by Ola Rapace, could be Stella Blomkvist’s 1:1 counterpart. The fictional detective has been a favourite of Swedish readers for more than 40 years (dir: Amir Chamdin, Erik Eger, Eshref Reybrouck). Also up north, buried under snow and ice, the foreboding of evil heralds calamity for the visitors to the abandoned ski lodge at “Black Lake” by Kári G. Schram.

But “Jennifer” from Germany has no problem keeping up with the Nordic series when it comes to putting the funny side of daily life on the small screen. Produced by the broadcaster NDR, the lead characters in and around the “Hair & Care” salon are played by Katrin Ingendoh, Olli Dietrich, and Klaas Heuer-Umlauf. The new season was directed by Lars Jessen, who has often been represented at the Film Days by his feature films.

Advance ticket sales for the 59th Nordic Film Days Lübeck begin on October 28, 2017 at 3 pm, detailed information on the programme, including scheduler and special events, will be available online starting Oct. 21, 2017.

Additional information on the Nordic Film Days Lübeck can be found at,Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: nordicfilmdays

Press contact:

Silke Lehmann
Luisa Wellhausen, Svenja Knoke, Melissa Harms
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
press and publicity
Schildstr.12, 23539 Lübeck
Tel: 0451-122-1454