The Children’s and Youth section – kisses and creepy-crawlies

Lübeck, Oct. 13, 2014. Thrills and gooseflesh mark this year’s children’s and youth section of the 56th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Oct. 29 – Nov. 2). A variety of adventure and detective films will provide drama for young audiences, including “The Boy with the Golden Pants”, “The Detectives” or the fantasy films “Danny’s Doomsday” and “Ragnarok”. And, of course, if it’s bestselling crime writer Håkan Nesser, whose story “And Piccadilly Circus is not in Kumla” is showing in a film version, you can be sure murder is involved. The author himself will be in Lübeck as a special guest – both to introduce the film and in a reading from the book. At the book presentation “From Book to Film and Back Again”, Nesser will be joined by Anna Jansson (Maria Wern novels), reading from her latest detective story. The event takes place on Nov. 1, 2014, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the Scharbausaal of the Stadtbibliothek (Lübeck public library); the reading will be followed by a book signing by the authors, in cooperation with Lübeck’s Hugendubel bookstore. 

Scandinavia’s cultural diversity is also a prominent theme in this year’s programme. Dane Karl and Sawsan, of Turkish heritage, go on a mission together in “The Contest”, while Norwegian young people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds spend “One Night in Oslo” together. In “Korso”, Finn Markus and his Congolese rival and sometimes pal share a passion for streetball, and in “Changes”, friends Antti and Muhis unwittingly kindle conflict between the Somali community and Finnish neo-Nazis.

Meanwhile look for surprising love stories to develop in the Estonian peat bog in “Cherry Tobacco” and on the western Norwegian coast in “Kiss Me, You Fucking Moron”. Young Anja in “Kick It!” must deal not only with first love, but also with a much greater challenge. And in “The Disciple”, Karl too faces a difficult situation. At the other end of the spectrum,  the programme will be screening colourfully light-hearted films, such as the Finnish fairy tale “Jill and Joy”, the mad caper “Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder”, based on the book by Jo Nesbø, and the beautifully animated The Christmas of Solan & Ludvig”. To top it off there will be lots of short films to be discovered in the sections “Shorts for Shorties” (4 years and up), “8+” and “14+”, as well as “tell it like it is”.

As diverse as the films in this year’s children’s and youth section are, the NFL Next projects for ages 15 to 20 are equally varied. The new initiative “Young Nordic Filmmakers” will bring together 16 young people from Germany, Denmark, Finland and Norway for seven days during the festival to develop and shoot their own short documentaries. The resulting films will be screened on Nov. 2, 2014 at noon in CineStar 1. Admittance is free.

Another new project, “Lübeck’s Screenplay” will offer people between the ages of 15 and 18 a chance to write screenplays for a comedy. No prior experience is required; all the participants need to bring is curiosity and creativity. The young adults will work on the project with mentors from the end of October 2014 until March 2015. The screenplays will be presented next year in a staged reading by professional actors. The project kicks off during the 56th Nordic Film Days at the Moisling youth centre in Lübeck.

As always, a small group of young people will be at the festival as “young film journalists”, gathering experience in journalism, interviewing guests and writing film reviews. Their articles will be published in the online edition of our media partner the Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper, as well as on the festival homepage.

The NFL Next projects are supported and sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Bundesverband Jugend und Film (German federation of film clubs for children and young people), “Movies in Motion” and “Kultur macht Stark – Bündnisse für Bildung” (culture is strength – alliances for education).

The programme for the Children’s and Youth section, along with the complete programme of the 56th Nordic Film Days Lübeck will be online starting on October 18, 2014. Advance ticket sales begin on October 25 at 3:00 pm.  Additional information is available at, and

Press contact:

Silke Lehmann
Christina Drachsler
Fenja Kahle
Press & Public Relations
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
T: +49 451 122 1454
F: +49 451 122 1799