55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck concludes with 27,900 guests, avid cineastes and an enthusiastic audience

Lübeck, 04.11.13 – After the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck came to their end yesterday, its two directors Christian Modersbach (Festival Management) and Linde Fröhlich (Artistic Direction) struck a positive balance. The total audience numbers of 27,900 have reached a new high level for the festival and mirror the audience enthusiasm for films from Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg.

Linde Fröhlich and Christian Modersbach: “We are very happy to have experienced such a successful festival with our guests and visitors. Our thanks go to all those who made this possible. Our sponsors and supporters accompany us with heart and hand and such fervent commitment that we confidently look forward to the next festival edition.”

This year, too, the film selection – with a record sum of 163 selected productions – elated the audience throughout five festival days. Sold out cinema auditoriums, interested queries as to film contents (and autographs), highly frequented support events and presentations such as the Documentary Film Day, a performance by the “1. Lübeck Complaints Choir” or the “Finnish Tango Night” all contributed to making the Film Days a successful event with international participation in the Hanseatic City.

Around 750 industry experts and representatives of the press as well as 150 filmmakers attended this year’s festival edition in Lübeck. Many film guests were very impressed by the festival audience, which demonstrated profound interest by posing exceptional questions at the film talks. 

Nordic Film Days Lübeck presents eight annual awards, which went to nine award winners this year (NDR Film Prize ex aequo to “I am Yours/Jeg ir din” (dir.: Iram Haq) and “Northwest/Nordvest” (dir.: Michael Noer).

Once again the festival’s media partners were NDR and Lübecker Nachrichten, who accompanied the festival with extensive press coverage.

The 56. Nordic Film Days Lübeck take place in 2014 from 29. October to 2. November.

Please find all information on the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck and the festival’s award winners at: www.filmtage.luebeck.de


Silke Lehmann
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Head of Press and Publicity 

Schildstraße 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany

Tel.: +49 451 122 1454