55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck: opening event at an Iceland tölt

Lübeck, 31.10.13 – Last night’s opening of the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck, considered the most important showcase for new films from Scandinavia and the Baltic States, featured director Benedikt Erlingsson cheerfully presenting his film OF HORSES AND MEN to the Lübeck audience. He was accompanied by his Icelandic stars Charlotte Bøving and Ingvar E. Sigurdsson, cameraman Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson and the producers Fridrik Thór Fridrikssson (Hrossabrestur, Iceland) and Christoph Thoke (Mogador Film, Germany). At the preceding afternoon press conference, the filmmaker regretted having to leave the film’s other main stars, the Iceland horses, at home. 

The feature film debut by the actor and theatre director Benedikt Erlingsson was much-applauded by the audience, after the evening’s host, Steen Bille (Danish Film Institute), had introduced Anke Spoorendonk, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister for Justice, Culture and European Affairs, as well as the two directors of Nordic Film Days Lübeck, Linde Fröhlich (Artistic Direction) and Christian Modersbach (Festival Manager).

Further red carpet guests at CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle included the actresses Tessa Mittelstaedt and Michelle Barthel, director Hendrik Handloegten – all three are members of the NFL juries –, the ambassadors of Denmark, Lithuania and Iceland, Lübeck’s Mayor Bernd Saxe, the City President Gabriele Schopenhauer and HL Senator for Cultural Affairs Annette Borns. After the screening, the 500 guests of the opening film were invited to a reception in the eastern choir of Lübeck Cathedral.

Up until 3. November, the festival is presenting the latest in contemporary filmmaking from the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg in a total programme of 163 productions of the most varying genres. Numerous filmmakers and countless actors and actresses are coming to the Hanseatic City to present their productions to a highly enthusiastic, cineaste festival audience.

On Saturday, 2. November, the Film Prize Night Gala at Theater Lübeck features the presentation of the eight awards of the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck, and is also attended by various prominent figures of cultural and political standing. 

Please find the complete festival programme, photos for downloading and information on the support programme and events online at www.filmtage.luebeck.de


Press contact:

Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Press and Publicity
Silke Lehmann
Margarita Junowitsch
Jule Hoffmann
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
T: +49 451 122 1455