55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck present 160 films at the festival – with plenty of music in all the sections and young heroes in the feature film programme

Lübeck, 8. October 2013 – The two directors at Nordic Film Days Lübeck, Linde Fröhlich (Artistic Direction) and Christian Modersbach (Festival Management), and the heads of the various sections present this year’s festival programme, which boasts an overall focus on music. Outside of Scandinavia, the festival is Europe’s largest platform for films from the Scandinavian countries, the Baltic States and Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein. Showing altogether 160 films from 30. October to 3. November 2013, it presents a major cinematic selection of contemporary Nordic cinema. The film programme is further augmented by several events, including a master class, international panels, live concerts, lectures, and an appearance by the 1. Lübeck Complaints Choir, as well as three youth projects.

The 55. festival edition opens on 30. October with this year’s Icelandic Oscar submission “Of Horses and Men”, the feature film debut by Benedikt Erlingssson. The director, his stars Ingvar E. Sigursson and Charlotte Bøving and the producer Fridrik Thór Fridriksson will introduce their film in person. Another guest in Lübeck is the star director Søren Kragh-Jacobsen with his psychodrama “The Hour of the Lynx”. The well-known Swedish director Lukas Moodysson directed “We Are The Best”, about three young, female punk musicians. Also full of music: the fascinating biography “Waltz for Monica”, about the iconic Swedish jazz singer Monica Zetterlund (director: Per Fly) and “Metalhead”, which the Icelandic filmmaker Ragnar Bragason and his young lead actress are presenting in person.

The famous Finnish star Peter Franzén is in Lübeck with all of two films: his directing debut “Above Dark Waters” and as the star of “Open Up to Me” (director: Simo Halinen). lmar Raag from Estonia tells the tale of the young “Kertu”. Iram Haq’s “I Am Yours” and Rune Denstad Langlo’s “Chasing the Wind” are also about female conceptions of life, while Matti Ijäs’ “Things We Do for Love” and Christoffer Boe’s “Sex, Drugs & Taxation” centre on special male friendships. The conspiracy thriller “Pioneer” by the Norwegian director Erik Sjkoldbjærg and Michael Noer’s film “Northwest” promise to be high tension entertainment. Also represented in the competition for the NDR Film Prize are the Finnish filmmaker Pirjo Honkasalo with “Concrete Night” and Fredrik Edfeldt’s film “Sanctuary”, which the director presents in person, together with his famous lead actor Jakob Cedergren. 

Furthermore, Nordic Film Days is expecting the following guests, either as representatives of German films or as jury members: the actresses Tessa Mittelstaedt, Idil Üner, Nadeshda Brennicke, Michelle Barthel and the directors Hendrik Handloetgen, Buket Alakus and Christian Thede.

Altogether eight awards are presented at the festival’s Film Prize Night gala on 2. November 2013. This year features the KoKi cinema at Mengstraße as a new festival venue alongside the cinemas CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle and Kolosseum.

Photos of the films of the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck are now available for downloading at www.filmtage.luebeck.de under “Press”. The programme matrix and further details of the films and the programme are also online for downloading at the festival website as of 19. October 2013.


Silke Lehmann
Head of press and publicity
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck
Tel. +49 451 122 1454