“New Narrative Forms Between Art and Politics” – Documentary Film Day at 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck on 1. November 2013

Lübeck, 26.09.13 – Documentary films have always played an important role at Nordic Film Days Lübeck (30.10.- 03.11.13) and the Filmforum, the festival’s North German section, underlined by the introduction of the Documentary Film Prize of the Lübeck Trade Unions in 1991. In order to further emphasize the importance of the genre and to give new impulses for documentary work, the 55. Nordic Film Days Lübeck (in cooperation with Filmwerkstatt Kiel of FFHSH and DGB) are now hosting a Documentary Film Day. Documentary filmmakers from Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Northern Germany are meeting on 1. November 2013 to discuss new perspectives and current projects, following the motto “New Narrative Forms Between Art and Politics”.

Nordic Film Days have succeeded to win over Joshua Oppenheimer, director of the multiple award-winning, extraordinary documentary film “The Act of Killing”, to give a master class in Lübeck. Since its premiere in Toronto in 2012, the Danish-Norwegian-British production has been drawing attention at international festivals and theatres across the world. It consists of a bold mixture of acted out and documentary scenes that provide disturbing, yet immensely veracious images for the horrors of Indonesian genocide in the mid-60s.

After the master class, a panel of international documentary film experts will discuss the topic “New Narrative Forms Between Art and Politics”. Podium participants include: JOSHUA OPPENHEIMER (director), SIGNE BYRGE SØRENSEN (producer of “Act of Killing”, Denmark), THOMAS TIELSCH (producer of “Cesar’s Grill”, Filmtank, Hamburg), DARIO AGUIRRE (documentary filmmaker of “Cesar’s Grill”, Hamburg), MARGRETH OLIN (director, producer of “Nowhere Home”, Speranzafilm, Norway, requested) DR. KAY HOFFMANN (Haus des Dokumentarfilms, Stuttgart), presenter: BERND-GÜNTHER NAHM (Filmwerkstatt Kiel).

The day is rounded off with a get together of the Scandinavian, Baltic and North German documentary filmmakers, hosted by DGB.

The master class is supported by Filmwerkstatt Kiel and kulturLink Fehmarnbeltregion.

As an addendum to the Documentary Film Day, Filmwerkstatt Kiel dedicates its annual brunch on Saturday to “Supporting New Documentary Film Talents” and partners from the DFI Danish Film Institute. 


Contact master class and international panel:

Doris Bandhold
Head of Filmforum
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12
23539 Lübeck
Tel. +49 451 122 7571
mobil: 0179 / 652 15 76

Press contact:

Silke Lehmann
Head of Press and Publicity
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck
Tel. +49 451 122 145