54. Nordic Film Days Lübeck: Festival programme boasts major names and a colourful variety of topics

New films by Bille August, Thomas Vinterberg, Susanne Bier, Jan Troell, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg

Lübeck, 9. October 2012 – A total of 149 films is featured on the programme of the 54. Nordic Film Days Lübeck from 31. October to 4. November 2012. The film festival is Europe’s largest platform for current cinema from Scandinavia, the Baltic region and Northern Germany, and its 15 competing feature films alone feature four European premieres and eight German premieres.

This year’s opening film at the festival is KON-TIKI, by the directing duo Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, which will be presented on 31. October 2012 by the three actors Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen (starring as Thor Heyerdahl), Anders Baasmo Christiansen and Tobias Santelmann in person. Jan Troell’s current film THE LAST SENTENCE is also competing for the NDR Feature Film Prize, and will be attended by both its director and its main actor Jesper Christensen, as well as Jan Troell’s daughter Yohanna, who plays Segerstedt’s daughter “Ingrid” in the film. Arild Andresen will also be on location in Lübeck with THE ORHEIM COMPANY, the third part of the film trilogy around Jarle Klepp, as will Saara Cantell with STARS ABOVE, which will also be attended by one of its stars, Meri Nenonen.

Besides newcomers such as the full-length feature film debut PEOPLE OUT THERE by the Latvian director Aik Karapetian, the feature film competition at Nordic Film Days Lübeck also features the latest work by Susanne Bier (LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED), Thomas Vinterberg (THE HUNT) and Bille August (MARIE KRØYER). 90 MINUTES is the title of the new oeuvre by Norwegian director Eva Sørhaug,  last represented at the festival in 2008. NAKED HARBOUR by Aku Louhimies takes a close look at Finnish society while his compatriot Sakari Kirjavainen has chosen to recount events from World War II in SILENCE. The Swedish films  BLONDIE (director: Jesper Ganslandt) and EAT SLEEP DIE by Gabriela Pichler both feature great acting by their female stars as they give powerful depictions of present-day life. Sara Johnsen’s film ALL THAT MATTERS IS PAST describes a passionate affair, and stars Kristoffer Joner, who also acts in THE ORHEIM COMPANY.

German film guests are to include the actor Florian Lukas (INTO THE WHITE), the directors Lars Jessen for FRAKTUS, Jan Georg Schütte for KILL HIM! and Tim Staffel for WESTERLAND. The young actress Maria Dragus and actor Jonas Nay are members of this year’s Children and Youth Film Jury.

The 54. Nordic Film Days Lübeck are awarding eight prizes, which will be presented at the Film Prize Night gala evening on 3. November 2012. This year’s festival screening venues are: CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle (Mühlenbrücke 11), Kolosseum (Kronsforder Allee 25) and two churches.

Press photos of the films at 54. Nordic Film Days 2012 are available for download at www.filmtage.luebeck.de under “Press”. Please also find all programme details and festival screening times online as of 21. October 2012.

Silke Lehmann
Head of Press and Publicity
Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Schildstr. 12, 23539 Lübeck, Germany
T: +49 451 122 1454
F: +49 451 122 1799