NFL Thanks Christine Berg for Her Commitment as Intendant

Senator Annette Borns and the entire team at Nordic Film Days Lübeck (NFL) would like to express their happiness for Christine Berg, who has been elected Deputy Director of the FFA German Federal Film Board. The team has already congratulated her in person directly after the decision a few weeks ago, thanking her for her long-standing commitment to NFL. 

Her successful work as Intendant at Nordic Film Days is more than likely to have contributed to her being assigned such a leading function at the peak of the German film industry at the end of a drawn-out selection process.   

The joy over her appointment is tainted only by the fact that her new, top-level function does not allow for any extra-official work for Nordic Film Days Lübeck.  However, as this development did not come entirely out of the blue, the course has already been set for the future throughout numerous discussions, with the participation of all parties involved, including Christine Berg herself.    

With the Artistic Direction in the reliable hands of Linde Fröhlich, with Christian Modersbach now well incorporated as Festival Manager, and Pia Walter at his side, responsible for managing the Film Prize Night, the past months have seen the fields of responsibility being reassigned within the NFL team so as to allow for immediate, full power preparations for the 2012 Film Days. 

Nordic Film Days Lübeck has been gently restructured and changed throughout the past four years, not least thanks to Christine Berg, giving the festival a unique Nordic appearance and allowing it to hold its ground and develop throughout the next few years.

Christine Berg will undoubtedly remain a close and cordial associate of Nordic Film Days and everyone is looking forward to welcome her as a guest in November.