NFL Highlights Released in German Cinemas

Helden des PolarkreisesThe bizarre comedy "Simple Simon" from Sweden and the Finnish road movie "Lapland Odyssey" found their ways to the German film market among other highlights of last years' Nordic Film Days. Film distributor Arsenal announced Andreas Öhmans' "Simple Simon", presented at the competition for the Children's and Youth Film Prize, to be released in German cinemas on 24th November. Dome Karukoskis' "Lapland Odyssey", part of last years feature film competition, will be released in German cinemas 12th January 2012. Moreover, DVD distributor Pro-Fun Media announced the publishing of the Danish love drama "Brotherhood" in Germany this November. The debut of director Nicolo Donatos had been shown in Nordic Film Days' competition in 2009. "More films of our festival programme are selected for German cinema and DVD exploitation due to the variety of film making in Northern Europe, where a younger generation of filmmakers delivers proof that Nordic films are anything but gloomy and depressing", says Linde Fröhlich, Nordic Film Days' Artistic Director. "This development shows as well, that our festival is more and more appreciated by the film industry as a marketplace." The winner of last years' NDR Feature Film Prize "Beyond" and the Baltic Film Prize winner "Sound of Noise" are the recent releases in German cinemas.