Praise of Armin Mueller-Stahl’s unique achievement in the art of film

The State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein and Nordic Film Days Lübeck are dedicating a major retrospective to the actor, painter, writer and musician Armin Mueller-Stahl. "We would like to offer the people of Schleswig-Holstein the opportunity of getting to know our honorary citizen and his numerous talents," said President of Parliament Torsten Geerdts at the presentation of the retrospective programme in Kiel.

From 19th January to 27th February 2011, the State Parliament and Investitionsbank are presenting a joint exhibition of the works of Armin Mueller-Stahl, which will be opened on 19th January in the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein in attendance of the artist. Furthermore, c. 400 citizens are given the opportunity of hearing the multi-talent at a lecture in the State Parliament's plenary hall. The State Parliament and Investitionsbank are also presenting four of the famous actor's films in cooperation with Nordic Film Days Lübeck at the STUDIO cinema in Kiel from 27th January to 9th February, including "Momo" and "Eastern Promises".

"Armin Mueller-Stahl has rendered outstanding services to Schleswig-Holstein, he has chosen our federal state to be his home and he has recently turned 80 years old. All of which are reason enough to honour him," says Geerdts. Furthermore, there are "several points of contact and much common ground" between Mueller-Stahl, his chosen home and its people. According to the President of Parliament, "Mueller-Stahl is characterized by a number of very typical traits shared by the people between the seas. He has his feet set firmly on the ground, he is down-to-earth and he is unpretentious." Erk Westermann-Lammers of Investitionsbank remarked: "We and the State Parliament and Nordic Film Days are happy and proud to present such a world-famous artist who simultaneously enriches our state with his abilities and persona." The Chairman of the Board emphasized that in the wake of the successful, joint series of exhibitions "Paare", the extensive retrospective of the multi-faceted and fascinating oeuvre of the painter, writer, musician and actor Armin Mueller-Stahl now represents a glorious climax in the cultural cooperation between the State Parliament and Investitionsbank. Investitionsbank and the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein have been firm partners in the presentation of exceptional cultural initiatives since 2007.

He went on to say that being one of the North's funding banks, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB) supports and strengthens the region and its development, a state's qualities as a location not only depending on its economic, but also on its social framework. "Art and culture are foundations of society, and a lively cultural life makes our region attractive. Thus cultural support also signifies economic support, which is IB's natural purpose," explained Erk Westermann-Lammers.

"Armin Mueller-Stahl is one of the most significant film actors of our time," said Christine Berg, Director of Nordic Film Days Lübeck, in praise of Armin Mueller-Stahl's unique achievement in the art of film. "We are very happy to pay homage to his exceptional talent by showing a selection of his films in cooperation with the STUDIO cinema in Kiel. Armin Mueller-Stahl was often a guest-of-honour at Nordic Film Days Lübeck, he always presented his films in person and always sought to develop a rapport with the audience."

The Festival Director emphasized the excellent cooperation between the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein and Nordic Film Days Lübeck. "The joint Armin Mueller-Stahl retrospective builds inspiring bridges within the state for the benefits of its cultural landscape," says Christine Berg. "We hope for many people to come into the cinema and discover film for themselves."