NFL sends budding filmmakers to Norway

Nordic Film Days Lübeck is an official partner of the international youth project "This Is My Story", for which adolescents from five European countries will make their own film next year, concentrating on a multicultural topic. Shooting will take place in Lillehammer, Norway, and the participants will receive professional guidance by graduates of the Norwegian film school "Den Norske Filmskolen".

"I am very pleased that we as a film festival have the chance to contribute to international youth work," says Franziska Kremser, Head of the section "Films for Young Viewers" at Nordic Film Days Lübeck. "The participants are given the unique opportunity of entering a dialogue about important issues with people their age from other countries while simultaneously putting their creativity and passion for the filmic medium to productive use."

Funded by the European Union, the youth project "This Is My Story" will see six adolescents each from Norway, Latvia, Denmark, Germany and Bosnia-Herzegovina, aged 15 to 20, coming together in Lillehammer from 31st March to 8th April 2011. Here they will discuss identity and multicultural coexistence before shooting a film together on that topic, which will also be shown at the 53rd Nordic Film Days Lübeck in November 2011.

As an official partner of the "This Is My Story" project, Nordic Film Days Lübeck will send six adolescents from Lübeck to Lillehammer, all of them former participants of the "Young Film Journalists" workshop offered at the past four Film Days and selected in cooperation with the Lübeck youth centre "Röhre". Nordic Film Days Lübeck is considered one of the most committed film festivals in matters youth work throughout Europe. Besides two prizes for children's and youth films, school cinema screenings with a great audience appeal and the "Young Film Journalists" workshop, the festival has also been drawing attention throughout the past three decades with its "accompanying media-pedagocical seminar". The seminar sees media pedagogues discussing films from the Nordic Film Days Lübeck children's and youth film programme before issuing recommendations that are highly valued throughout Germany.