Jurys decide on seven different prize-winners

The juries that will decide on the prize-winners of the 52nd Nordic Film Days have been determined. Six different juries decide on the winners of six different prizes. The seventh Nordic Film Days prize, though, is presented by the largest jury: the festival audience decides on the winner of the LN Audience Prize.

The five-headed jury for the 2010 NDR Award for Best Feature Film consists of: actress Pheline Roggan ("Soul Kitchen", NFL 2009), director Nicole Weegmann, Michael Eckelt, producer with Riva Film Hamburg, Bernd Michael Fincke, NDR editorial office for television film, feature and theatre, and actor Franz Dinda ("The Cloud", "Aftermath"). They decide on which film will receive the award, endowed with 12,500 euros and presented for "mirroring society with distinct creative expression and opening up new perspectives as regards aesthetics and content".

The jury of the Interfilm Church Prize consists of four members selected by Interfilm: Karin Achtelstetter, General Secretary of the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), Toronto, Canada, Louise K. Rasmussen, vicar and professor at Copenhagen and Kiel Universities, pastor Dr. Bernd Schwarze from Lübeck and Anita Uzulniece, film scientist and film critic, Riga, Latvia. The prize is presented to a film "that is characterized by artistic quality and that conveys a message of humanity as expressed in the Gospel".

This year's jury of the Baltic Films Prize consists of Zanda Dudina, Head of International Relations at the National Film Centre in Latvia, Ilona Jurkonyte, Festival Director of Kaunas International Film Festival in Lithuania, and Tristan Priimägi, Head of International Relations at the Estonian Film Foundation. The prize is awarded to an outstanding feature film from the Nordic countries.

The Documentary Film Prize-jury, selected by the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), awards a film prize to "a film particularly committed to socio-political issues". It consists of: Bettina Fuchs (IG BAU), Birte Günther (DGB), Rainer Steinbock (ver.di), Michael Traeder (verd.di), Edda Wolter (NGG).

The jury of the Children's- and Youth Film Prize consists of: Robert Herfurtner, media pedagogue with Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum in Deutschland, Franziska Stünkel, director, scriptwriter and photographer, and producer Karsten Willutzki. It awards a prize to the best Scandinavian production of the genre and has been an integral part of Nordic Film Days Lübeck since 1979.

The four members of this year's children's jury are: Stella Groth (age 11), Mathilda Hohenschildt (age 10), Jan-Henning Kopetsch (age 13), Emily Zucht (age 11). Endowed by the Land of Schleswig-Holstein with 5,000 euros, this prize is presented by Nordic Film Days' youngest jury. Four children from Lübeck choose their favourite film of the festival and decide on the Prize of the Children's Jury.

This year's jury of the Cinegate Prize consists of Walter Herrmann, initiator of the Scandinavian Film Series, Dr. Kai Reichel-Heldt, Board Member of ShortFilmAgency Hamburg, and Sabine Spatzek, journalist for Kieler Nachrichten. The prize is awarded for the best film at the Filmforum's short film programme.