Five films compete for Nordic Council Film Prize

Five outstanding Nordic films are candidates for the coveted Nordic Council Film Prize 2010. Among the nomiated directors are Thomas Vinterberg, Dagur Kári and Tarik Saleh. The prize is given to a film which is characterised by being rooted in Nordic culture and of high artistic quality. It must also stand out through its artistic originality, and refine the many elements of film in a convincing and integrated work.

This year's five nominees are:

Submarino (Submarino) - Denmark
Director: Thomas Vinterberg

Miesten Vuoro (Steam of Life) - Finland
Directors: Joonas Berghäll & Mika Hotakainen

The Good Heart (The Good Heart)
- Iceland
Director: Dagur Kári

Upperdog (Upperdog) - Norway
Director: Sara Johnsen
Presented at 51st Nordic Film Days Lübeck, 2009

Metropia (Metropia) - Sweden
Director: Tarik Saleh
Presented at 51st Nordic Film Days Lübeck, 2009

The prize, which in 2009 went to director Lars von Trier and producer Meta Louise Foldager for the film 'Antichrist', was awarded for the first time in 2002 as part of the Nordic Council's 50th anniversary to the Finnish film 'The man without a past'. The prize has since been awarded to the films Manslaughter (DK) in 2005, Zozo (S) in 2006, The art of crying (DK) in 2007 and You, the living (S) in 2008.

The five national titles are selected by a jury consisting of two people in each of the five Nordic countries. Now that the five candidates have been chosen, a joint Nordic jury will convene to vote and select this year's prize winner. This year's Nordic Adjudication Committee consists of Senior lecturer Anne Jerslev (DK), editor Johanne Grönqvist (FI), film critic Sif Gunnarsdottir (IS), film critic Le LD Nguyen (N) and film critic Eva af Geijerstam (S).

The winner of the Nordic Council Film Prize 2010 will be announced on 20 October and will be presented with the prize at the Nordic Council's autumn Session in Reykjavik on Tuesday 3 November.

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