Nordic Film Days Lübeck: In its 51st year the festival presents 140 northern cinema highlights

From 4th to 8th November the 51st Nordic Film Days Lübeck are showing 140 feature, short and documentary films from Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Northern Germany on eight cinema screens in Lübeck. The opening film is the Norwegian Jostein Gaarder adaptation “The Orange Girl” by Eva Dahr. In the feature film competition, films by young directors are competing with the works of old masters such as Nils Malmros, Klaus Härö and Gunnar Vikene. Top class guests from Scandinavia are presenting their films in person: The Norwegian bestselling author Jostein Gaarder is presenting two film adaptations of his novels. Guests from Denmark include the master director Nils Malmros, the famous producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen and the actor Jesper Christensen. Further guests are director Klaus Härö from Finland, the young actress Zandra Andersson from Sweden, and the actors Dietmar Bär and Axel Milberg and actress Katja Flint from Germany.

The Film Prize Night on 7th November at Theater Lübeck provides the framework for the presentation of the Awards of Nordic Film Days Lübeck as well as the North German Film Prize by the State Governments of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. This year’s Nordic Film Days Lübeck also features a film market for Scandinavian productions that have not yet been exploited in Germany, as well as a German-Norwegian co-producers’ meeting. The festival thus further expands its position as a meeting point for the international film industry.