Documentary films: portraits of society and Ingmar Bergman at work

The 25 contributions to the documentary film programme at the 51st Nordic Film Days Lübeck mirror manifold current day and historic aspects of North European society: Janus Metz’ “Love on Delivery” is a social didactic play and intimate portrait of women from Thailand who have married into provincial Denmark. Jaak Kilmi’s “Disco & Atomic War” from Estonia tells of Cold War times, when the reception of Finnish TV in Tallinn sparked conflicts about the “right” way of thinking. In the Finnish “The Living Room of the Nation” by Jukka Kärkkäinen, six Finns are filmed in their living rooms, telling of their private sorrows and joys. In the reality crime film “Nemesis” by Erlend E. Mo from Norway, a detective tries to solve a twenty-year old murder case and rehabilitate its former convict. Also from Norway: “99% Honest” by Rune Denstad Langlo. The film shows immigrant adolescents caught between developing a sense of identity and meeting societal expectancies. Director Mikael Kristersson from Sweden observed his garden with a camera throughout an entire year in the film “Light Year”. Ingmar Bergman fans will enjoy Stig Björkman’s “Images from the Playground”: previously unpublished, restored archive footage shows the director and his stars working behind the scenes.