New Top Management at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck

Lubeck, 10th August 2007

The Nordic Film Days Lübeck are awaiting the current festival and the 50th anniversary next year with a modified staff. Linde Fröhlich with Dr. Hauke Lange-Fuchs as well as Angela Buske will share responsibility as the artistic director and the managing director respectively.

"We think that we can meet the growing demand on the organisation of the film days in the future with a new management and the restructuring of responsibilities," emphasized Annette Borns, being politically responsible for the Nordic Film Days as Senator for Cultural Affairs in Lübeck. Especially considering the 50th anniversary of the Nordic Film Days next year "a concentration of competences and the transfers of know-how" would be essential in order to guarantee the internationally necessary professionalism, clarity of the programme, attractivity and nationwide aura of the festival.

The 49th Nordic Film Days will be opened on the 31st October this year and continue to the 4th November. The prizes will be awarded within the framework of "die Filmpreisnacht" in the congress hall in Lübeck and in the neighbouring Radisson SAS hotel on Saturday, the 3rd November 2007.