Sparkassenstiftung again main sponsor

13 september 2007 - Once again, the nonprofit foundation “Sparkassenstiftung zu Lübeck” will be the main sponsor of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck this year by supporting the renowned film festival with 80,000 Euros. The Lübeck-based foundation also funded the festival with the same amount last year.

“Our wish is that with our contribution to the 49th film days edition we support the festival in strengthening and broadening its excellent reputation as the cultural center and meeting place for the Nordic and Baltic film”, Hans-Peter Süfke, chairman of the board, commented on the foundation’s repeated engagement. He also pointed out that the tradition, value and charisma of this cultural event “are of extreme significance for Lübeck’s image both nation wide and abroad, which is why we gladly show our support for the Film Days 2007 to such an extent.”

“Sophisticated cultural events such as the Nordic Film Days are no longer feasible with merely their own resources and public finances. Therefore we can consider ourselves fortunate to be backed by a foundation that guarantees the mission of a cultural growth in and for the Hanseatic city of Lübeck in this sustainable manner again this year”, Lübeck’s Senator for Culture, Annette Borns, welcomed the support by the foundation which “has become an indispensable partner to the cultural life in this city.”

The 49th Nordic Film Days will open on October 31 this year and last until November 4. As a part of the “Film Award Night”, the awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, November 3, 2007 in Lübeck’s music and congress hall, as well as in the adjacent Radisson SAS Senator Hotel.