Guests of the 49th Nordic Film Days Lübeck

This year’s Nordic Film Days Lübeck are once again attended by numerous prominent guests: International and German directors, producers and actors are presenting their films, ready to answer questions by audience and press.

One of this year’s guests is Danish actor Morten Grunwald. Famous for his role of “Benny” in the Olson Gang, he strikes a rather more serious note at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck with his drama “White Night”. Joining director Petter Næss in Lübeck are the two stars of the opening film “Gone with the Woman”, Trond Fausa Aurvåg and Marian Saastad Ottesen. “Gone with the Woman” is also Norway’s contribution for the Oscar this year. Petter Næss and Marian Saastad Ottesen both present two films in Lübeck: Petter Næss presents his youth film “Hoppet”, Marian Saastad Ottesen stars not only in “Gone with the Woman”, but also in the Norwegian competition entry “The Art of Negative Thinking”.

Finnish-Swedish director Klaus Härö, whose films have twice been entered by Finland for the race for Best Foreign-Language Oscar, is introducing his Swedish-produced film “The New Man”. Also coming from Sweden are Lars Lindström and Åke Sandgren, producer and director respectively of the psychodrama “To Love Someone”, as well as the film’s two lead actors Jonas Karlsson and Sofia Ledarp. The Finnish feature film “Year of the Wolf” is represented by director Olli Saarela and young talent Krista Kosonen.

Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein is also once again expecting a number of interesting guests: Born in Lübeck, Justus von Dohnányi presents his current film “Bis zum Ellenbogen” both in the function of director and actor, accompanied by the film’s stars Jan Josef Liefers and Stefan Kurt. Documentary film director Wilfried Hauke from Kiel presents two very different films: “Guenter Grass - The Story of the Tin Drum” about the life of writer Günter Grass, and the historical docu-feature “Twilight of Gods”. Director Miguel Alexandre, a regular guest at Filmforum, presents his new film “My Sister’s Death”. Director Jan-Hinrik Drevs presents his film "Underdogs."