The Award Winners of the 49th Nordic Film Days and the North German Film Prize 2007


The Award Winners of the 49th Nordic Film Days Lübeck

NDR Film Prize

Kunsten å tenke negativt / Die Kunst des negativen Denkens /
The Art of Negative Thinking

directed by Bård Breien
Norway 2006

Statement of the Jury
We present the prize to The Art of Negative Thinking by Bård Breien because the film treats the topic of disabilities in a relentless, consequent and radically witty manner. In doing so it never once becomes denunciatory. It has a wonderful, liberating effect on the audience to see authentic figures both with disabilities and without reveal their guilt-ridden selves. A great directing achievement by debut filmmaker Bård Breien, also responsible for the film’s script.

Audience Prize of the „Lübecker Nachrichten“

Underbara älskade / Mit offenen Armen / Suddenly

directed by Johan Brisinger
Sweden 2006

Baltic Film Prize for a Nordic Feature Film

Den man älskar / Wen man liebt / To Love Someone

directed by Åke Sandgren
Sweden 2007

Statement of the Jury
The Baltic Film Prize for a Nordic Feature Film goes to “To Love Someone” by Åke Sandgren for its use of penetrating, open-ended filmmaking to tell a story that stays with the viewer beyond the end of the film, leaving us face to face with ourselves.

Interfilm Church Prize

Den man älskar / Wen man liebt / To Love Someone

directed by Åke Sandgren
Sweden 2007

Statement of the Jury
To Love Someone” centres on the complexity of violence, dependence and love. By means of constant changes in perspective as well as superb acting the film avoids any particular consolidation. Despite its drastic depiction of the destructive potential of love the film simultaneously generates hope that love has the power to change people and to offer them a new future.

Documentary Film Prize of the Lübeck Trade Unions

Turvapaikka/ Asyl / Asylum

directed by Jenni Linko
Finland 2006

Statement of the Jury
Director Jenni Linko and her team succeed in conveying in a most striking manner the difficult topic of the procedures of seeking asylum. The atmosphere and the pressure burdening on young people during these proceedings become almost physically perceptible. It remains to be hoped that in depicting the inhumaneness of these procedures and of the bureaucratic decision-making involved, Jenni Linko will help to guide the politicians responsible to think in a different direction.

Children’s and Youth Film Prize of the Nordic Film Institutes

Hoppet / Hoppet / Hoppet

directed by Petter Næss
Sweden 2007

Statement of the Jury
In a very impressive manner “Leaps & Bounds” tells the story of the Kurdish boy Azad, who takes responsibility for his traumatised older brother Tigris without forgetting how to dream in the face of harsh Swedish reality. The powerful performance of the main actor provides a powerful base for the film. Embedded in an extraordinary, very harmonious ensemble, the viewer joins 12-year old Azad in delving into the strange new world of Stockholm. This is not only well directed but also impressively filmed. “Leaps & Bounds” touchingly tells of the need to keep faith in oneself and that it is worthwile to fight for one's own dreams.

Special Mention

Linas kvällsbok / Linas Tagebuch / Bitter Sweetheart

directed by Hella Joof
Sweden 2007

Statement of the Jury
“Bitter Sweetheart” is characterized by a particulary open approach to the very first experiences of sexuality - without ever overstepping the mark and without ever becoming clumsy or blatant. The production takes the traits and moods of its figures seriously and remains absolutely entertaining throughout.

Special Mention

Elias og kongeskipet / Elias und die königliche Yacht / Elias and the Royal Yacht

directed by Espen Fyksen, Lise Osvoll
Norway 2007

Statement of the Jury
The fact that this perfectly crafted animated film comes from Norway not only becomes clear in its closing credits: in order to tell the story of the amicable sea rescue ship Elias, the film gives human features to ships and lets the action take place in fantastic images set in the fjords of Norway.The interaction between originality and a characteristic Norwegian background is remarkable.

Prize of the Children’s Jury

Suden arvoitus / Das Geheimnis des Wolfs / Mystery of the Wolf

directed by Raimo O Niemi
Finland 2006

Statement of the Jury
Our winner is a thrilling tale of adventure. The film fascinated and absorbed us with its breathtaking images of nature and it simultaneously touched us with its serious family conflicts and misfortunes. The extraordinary acting by the lead actress is especially commendable, creating a true sense of adventure with her courageous, almost breakneck performance.

Special Mention

Hoppet / Hoppet / Hoppet

directed by Petter Næss
Sweden 2007

Statement of the Jury
In his touching film “Leaps & Bounds” Petter Næss has given us insight into a different world, new and strange to us, thought-provoking not least thanks to its thematic diversity.

ComLine Prize

Dionysos / Dionysos

directed by Jörg Weidner und Anke Späth
Germany 2007

Statement of the Jury
We are awarding the Comline Prize to the animated film “Dionysos by Jörg Weidner and Anke Späth because the film gives a convincing visual account of its topic, making use of various materials in the process.

Special Mention

The Dead Meat

directed by Philipp Scholz
Germany 2007

We would simultaneously like to commend the film “Dead Meat by Philipp Scholz for taking the viewer on a short, intense trip that leaves many traces.

Cinegate Prize


directed by Marcus Richardt
Germany 2007

Statement of the Jury
In contrast to the film’s name-giver Mars, the god of war, this successful short feature film by Marcus Richardt shows characteristic scenes of the currently existing phenomenon of girl gangs willing to resort to violence.

Special Mention

Doppelmord / Pain Killer

directed by Dana Linkiewicz
Germany 2007

We would simultaneously like to commend the short feature film “Pain Killer” by Dana Linkiewicz, which succeeds in depicting within very few minutes the tragic acumination of the demise of a marriage.


North German Film Prize

Best Feature Film

The Edge of Heaven
Corazón International, Hamburg (Fatih Akin, Klaus Maeck, Andreas Thiel)

Statement of the Jury:
The Edge of Heaven is a cleverly convoluted story featuring touching interpersonal moments and high emotionality. The jury is awarding the prize for Best Film” to an unusually intense film that provokes a fascinating reflectiveness thanks to the strong pull exerted by its imagery and figures, as well as forcefully projecting onto the screen generational and political conflicts set in the midst of the magic and charm of Istanbul. The film has been awarded numerous national and international prizes. On account of the exceptional quality of The Edge of Heaven, the jury has decided to now also award it the North German Film Prize 2007 for best feature film!

Best Script

Robert Zimmermann wonders about love
Script: Gernot Gricksch

Statement of the Jury:
Gernot Gricksch’s screenplay convinced the jury thanks to its particularly congenial lightness and its subtle humour, both of which pervade the entire story. In „Robert Zimmermann wonders about love” the author tells of the strange, crazy paths that love – with all its ups and downs – searches and finds within one particular family. In doing so he has succeeded in creating a screwball comedy that can easily live up to its classic prototypes of the 40s and 50s. The author further deserves special commendation for the accomplishment of rewriting his own novel into a more than convincing screenplay.

The Cat

Script: Daniel Nocke

Statement of the Jury:
In the jury’s opinion the quality of Daniel Nocke’s screenplay lies in its impressive clarity and precision. The author tells the story of a relationship between two elderly people of differing social backgrounds who marry more out of fear of loneliness than out of affection. Daniel Nocke works with concise, straightforward images and has created an intense intimate play, using the increasingly rare means of reduced narrative. „Die Katze“ is a deeply touching drama that thrives on laconic, powerful dialogues and sovereignly contrives to set itself apart from the literary original.

Best Documentary

The Silence of the Quandts

directed by Eric Friedler

Statement of the Jury:
In awarding the prize for „Best Documentary”, the jury is honouring the intense research of several years by authors Barbara Siebert and Eric Friedler, which Eric Friedler has impressively realized into a film. The film describes the development of the Quandt family, which grew to become one of the richest and possibly most influential families in Germany and which has never given public statements or made public appearances to date. The airing of the film has now led to the Quandt family showing themselves willing to come to terms with their family history and to break their silence after more than 60 years. Not least for this impressive result, a definite highlight in investigative journalism, does the jury wish to adjudicate the directing prize for the best documentary film to Eric Friedler.

Award for Special Merits

Detlev Buck

The North German Film Prize for special merits to the region of Northern Germany goes to an actor, author, producer and director whose comedies have not only succeeded in redefining the genre of 'Heimatfilm'. With a loving, humorous eye he has introduced the characteristics and peculiarities of the Northern German lowlands and their inhabitants to a nationwide cinema audience to the reaches of the Bavarian highlands. Be it social study, comedy, children's film or commercial, it is his eagerness to narrate, his precise and always respectful character portraits and the poetic force behind his images that make Detlev Buck so distinctive.

4 november 2007