Accreditation for Press and Business Visitors Still Possible until 12th October

Up until 12th October, journalists in the possession of a valid press card can accredit themselves for the 49th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (31.10. - 04.11.07). The press accreditation from can be downloaded under
/files/akkreditierung_presse_2007.pdf and can be sent in to the press office by e-mail, fax or post. The affirmation will then ensue by e-mail. Accredited journalists will receive their documents as of the opening day of the festival at our stand in the press office of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck. Please note that late accreditations due to missed deadlines can only ensue at the press office upon payment of a 10-euro fee.

Business visitors can download their accreditation form under /de/service/akkreditierung.html. The form can be completed on-screen and can be sent in to the contact address by e-mail, fax of post. Affirmation will ensue by e-mail. Business visitors can collect their documents as of 2pm on Wednesday, 31st October 2007, at the information stand in the cinema CineStar Filmpalast Stadthalle, Mühlenbrücke 11, 23552 Lübeck. A 20-euro fee will be payable upon collection at the stand. Please note that this year, late accreditations due to missed deadlines can only ensue at the information stand upon payment of an increased fee of 30 euros.

Still Seats Available in the Expert Forum on Children’s and Youth Films

Applications can still be sent in for the accompanying seminar “New Children’s and Youth Films from Scandinavia” at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck. The festival’s accompanying seminar from 2nd to 4th November 2007 offers a unique opportunity to view current children’s and adolescent films from the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. Subsequent to the screenings, there will be opportunities to discuss and exchange experiences with a selection of directors, producers and actors. Please find the application form and further information on content and admission fee under /files/seminarausschreibung_07.pdf. Information can also be obtained from Mrs. Helga Brandt by telephone under: 49 (0)451-122 1742.