Nordische Filmtage Luebeck
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Nordische Filmtage Luebeck
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Nordische Filmtage Luebeck

Program   <


Norwegen/Norway 1999, 6 Min., 35 mm, Farbe/color, norweg. OF m. engl. UT/English subtitles
Regie/ Director: Pjotr Sapegin
Drehbuch/ Screenplay:
Torin Kove
Kamera/ Camera:
Morten Skallerud
Schnitt/ Editing:
Kirsti M. Hougen
Musik/ Music:
Kevin Dean
Rollen/ Cast:

Produzent/ Producer:
Lars Tømmerbakke
Produktion/ Production:
Studio Magica
Adresse/ Address:
Studio Magica, Sandakervn. 102 oppg. B, N-0483 Oslo, tel. +47-22154610, Fax +47-22151532
E-Mail/ Email:
Website/ Website:


Inhalt/ Summary

Eine ganz typische Geschichte über eine völlig untypische Schnecken-Familie.

A very typical story about a completely atypical snail family.

Director Pjotr Sapegin, born 1955 in Russia, has been living in Norway since 1990, after previously working as a stage designer at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre for 15 years. He began working in animation after emigrating to Norway. Two of his films starring the plasticine character “Edvard” were screened at the Nordic Film Days 1993, and in 1998 we presented his film “One Day a Man Bought a House”.

Director Pjotr Sapegin, born 1955 in Russia, has been living in Norway since 1990, after previously working as a stage designer at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre for 15 years. He began working in animation after emigrating to Norway. Two of his films starring the plasticine character “Edvard” were screened at the Nordic Film Days 1993, and in 1998 we presented his film “One Day a Man Bought a House”.

Filme (Auswahl)/ Films:

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