
Grounds for selecting the Documentary Film Prize of the IG Metall

LUEBECK, November 5, 1995 - "This year we found it very difficult to select a single film, because so many different topics have been addressed.

The jury has chosen a documentary film that portrays a person's fate with unusual means. It stands for the fate of whole generations of people in this century who have been and continue to be uprooted by war and expulsion.

In his film 'Memories of a Frustrated Hedonist', Claas Danielsen has found outstanding visual means to portray a woman born over 80 years ago in St. Petersburg who has created a second world for herself through her love of beauty, which has given her the strength to survive.

The film can encourage viewers to look for meaning and courage in beauty, whatever that might mean for the individual. The young director has rendered this complicated subject matter in fascinating images. We hope that this award will encourage him to continue his work." +++

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