
Grounds for selecting the SOURCES Screenplay Prize

LUEBECK, November 5, 1995 - "We have seen many short and long films during the Film Days that certainly deserve to be awarded a prize. Films with very impressive conceptions, from their dramaturgical structure on up to the sensitive way they translate the topic into the medium of film. It was extremely difficult to make a selection among so many good films and to pick out the one with the best screenplay, or better: to chose the writer among the newcomers whose next screenplay project seems most worthy of support.

Our choice for the SOURCES Screenplay Prize this year goes to a 15-minute short film which creates suspense and affects us deeply from the first frame to the very last - which, to be precise, is the same one. It gets by with a minimum of dialogue and captivates us with its images alone. We are talking about the film "Two Little Girls and a War" by the Icelandic writer and director Maria Sigurdardóttir. We hope very much that her first feature-length film will be done with the same degree of empathy and we are looking forward to giving her the best possible support." +++

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