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Das Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein | That films from Germany’s North have a lot to offer

das seit 1988 im Rahmen der Nordischen Filmtage Lübeck veranstaltet wird, beweist, dass auch der äußerste Norden Deutschlands filmisch eini-ges zu bieten hat: interessante Stoffe, ungewöhnliche Locations und eine äußerst lebendige Filmszene, die in allen Genres tätig ist. Die Kurzfilmnacht des Filmforums ist inzwischen Kult, aber auch die übrigen von Angela Buske zusammengestellten etwa 30 Beiträge zeugen von der Vielfalt der Themen und Gestaltungsformen und der Kreativität einer jungen Filmszene, die sich in Lübeck quasi auf heimischem Boden einem interna-tionalen Publikum vorstellt. Entdeckungen sind garantiert.
is confirmed each year by the Filmforum Schleswig-Holstein, which has taken place within the framework of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck since 1988: fascinating topics, unusual locations and an extremely lively film scene active in all cinematic genres. The Short Film Night is meanwhile a cult event, but the rest of programme of some 30 odd films put together by Angela Buske also testifies to the variety of themes and filmic forms and to the creativity of a young film scene presenting itself to an international audience on its own home ground. Discoveries are guaranteed.

The Press at home and abroad on the 46th Nordic Film Days

As always the atmosphere was excellent at this time-honoured event. This year 134 films […] were shown, most of them three times, within four days filled with films until late at night. In sold-out houses. This enthusiasm makes the filmmakers from the North feel like world champions! Aftenposten • The Nordic Film Days are among the must-see events for cineastes. Here you can experience premieres before the Berlinale and sharpen your view of the near and the even further northern and eastern North (Baltics). […] Despite growing superlatives the Nordic Film Days have succeeded in preserving their intimacy. die tageszeitung • The cul-tural life of the city is unthinkable without the Nordic Film Days. [The festival] was eloquent testimony to a magnificent art of film, the apprecia-tion of which would fill entire film magazines. film-dienst • Instead of the constantly over-dimensioned and out-of-hand Hollywood imports that sometimes promise more than they can deliver, these Nordic films, which take up social themes with great earnest, but also with humour and irony and tell their stories imaginatively, should finally get the place in the cine-mas they deserve in a united Europe. The gap between the reality of German cinema and television and the capability Nordic filmmakers can be observed year after year in Lübeck. Auslöser
