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Barn leker ute
Kinder spielen draußen
Kids Play Outdoors

Schweden/Sweden , 7 Min., 35 mm, Farbe/colour, schwed. OF m. engl. UT/English subtitles
Regie/ Director: Peter Hanefjord
Drehbuch/ Screenplay:
Peter Hanefjord
Kamera/ Camera:
Linus Eklund
Schnitt/ Editing:
Johan Serrander
Musik/ Music:

Rollen/ Cast:
Roland Hedlund, Mette Hald Madsen, Christoffer Modig
Produzent/ Producer:
Per Hanefjord
Produktion/ Production:

Weltvertrieb/ World Sales:

dt. Verleih/ German Distribution:

Website/ Website:


Inhalt/ Summary

Leif is a grumpy, lonely, old man. His only contact with the rest of the world is the daily weather forecasts on his old radio. One day there's a call at the door.

Filme (Auswahl)/ Films (Selection):

2001: Svärmor; 2002: Kinder spielen draußen (Barn leker ute, NFL 2002)

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